Recently, Jiang’s group investigated the thermoelectric properties of three-dimensional covalently connected carbon networks (see following Figure)) by using first-principles calculation, Boltzmann transport theory, and nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations.
Li-Ping Wang’s group at the Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering (CNITECH), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), found that Nitrogen-doped TiO2 nanotubes array has a higher photo-degradation rate under visible light.
The Laser and Intelligent Energy field Manufacturing Group, led by Prof. Wenwu Zhang, has started working on the laser high-speed picosecond nanosecond precision manufacturing project since August 2012. Intensive study and numerous experiments on the short pulse laser processing of CMC are being undertaken.
Prof. Zhaoping Liu’s group at the Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology Engineering (CNITECH) designed and fabricated a kind of polyimide (PI) matrix enhanced cross-linked gel separator by a simple dip-coating and heat treatment method.
Hua Li’s group at the Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, the Chinese Academy of Sciences successfully deposited graphene-containing nanocomposite coating for biomedical implant coatings using VCS at room temperature. VCS, a method based on shock-loading solidification, is a novel and promising spray technique which enables deposition of nano/submicro-...