Prof. Gaojie Xu’s group from NIMTE, has successfully manufactured a direct-writing 3D micro/nano wire bonds manufacturing system with Prof. MinfengYu, his partner from the Georgia Institute of Technology, USA. The automated system exploits micro or nanoscale liquid meniscus to electrodeposit metals, conductive polymers, and semiconductors with 3D micro/nano-structures of de...
The SOFC system design and integration group led by Prof. Weiguo Wang has developed a 1kw auto-thermal power generation systems, and output net power and energy for the first time in China.
The group of Prof. Jian Zhang NIMTE carried out a systematic work revealing the enhanced catalytic activity of nitrogen-doped carbon nanotube (NCNT) for oxidative dehydrogenation of propane.
A team led by Prof. Zhaoping Liu from NIMTE firstly proposed an innovative concept of Li+/Na+ mixed-ion electrolytes to construct rechargeable batteries, as shown in Figure 1. In such batteries, one side involves the immigration of Li+ between electrolytes and electrode, and the other one refers to the exchange of Na+ between electrode and electrolytes. They are unlike tradi...
Recently, the research team led by Dr. Hongtao Cao, has developed Chromic-based absorber coatings. Then the related thermal aging mechanisms have been proposed.