Prof. ZiyiGe from CNITECH compounded an easily prepared, low cost and solution-processed non-conjugated organic small-molecule electrolyte as cathode interfacial layer to effectively improve the electron transfer and collection abilities.
Laboratory of rare earth magnetic functional materials systematically studied magnetic refrigeration properties of Ni-Mn-Sn Hesuler alloys. Interstitial C atoms were successfully introduced into Ni-Mn-Sn alloy, and in this way, not only curie temperature was increased by 50 K, but also magnetic entropy change was improved by 26 % from 27.4 J(kgK)-1 for Ni-Mn-Sn alloys withou...
Prof. Run-Wei Li's gruop demonstrate that by controlling the physiochemical processes of transport of metal or oxygen ions, adsorption/desorption of functioning groups, doping of organic ions and etc with electric fields, it is possible to receive stable resistive switching effect in various thin film materials of BiFeO3, HfO2, graphene oxide, and PA-TsOH.
Prof. WeijieSong’s grouphas synthesized the silver nanomaterials and presentedas silver ink. By using different printing or coating methods, silver conductive patterns, transparent conductive films and transparent film heaters have been fabricated.
Mr. Hongwei Tan and Dr. Gang Liu from Prof. Li’s groups demonstrated that persistent and electrically-erasable photoconductance can be realized in the broadband UV-Visible spectrum with linear relationship to the illumination time, based on the optical and electrical dual-control of the trapped electron density at the interface of the CeO2-x/AlOy/Al Schottky contact.