Prof. Jiang’s group, Tan and Liu et al. at Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences investigated the electronic structures of 3d metal-doped PbTe by using first-principles calculation with spin-orbital interaction.
“Functional Carbon Materials R&D Group”at CNITECH has achieved a series of technical breakthroughs in synthesis of large-size CVD diamond single crystals.They successfully exploited MPCVD equipment that can generate high-density, stable plasma available for high-speed single crystalline diamond growth.
The magneto electronic materials and devices group in CAS Key Laboratory of Magnetic Materials and Devices focuses on the fabrication of flexible magneto electeonic material sand devices, and the evolution of their physical properties under multi-fields. Up to now, a series of progresses have been made regarding the modulation of magnetic anisotropy by stress/strain in flexi...
Prof.Yu Haibin's group has designed and synthesized a series of highly efficient graphene dispersing agents. These novel graphene dispersing agents combine ease of synthesis, less synthetic step, low cost and without using any organic solvents during the synthesis, enabling to develop a facile approach to large-scale production of aqueous or organic graphene dispersions, as...
Prof. Hongtao Cao and Prof. Fei Zhuge successfully synthesized an amorphous carbon thin film with through conical pores of several tens of nanometers in size by annealing magnetron sputtered nitrogen-doped carbon thin films at elevated temperature in an inert atmosphere