The 4th Asian Biomaterials Congress (ABMC4), hosted by Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HK-UST), was held at a beautiful oceanfront campus of HK-UST in Clearwater Bay of Kowloon Peninsula, Hong Kong on June 26 to 29, 2013. Prof. Aiguo Wu and Prof. Zheyu Shen from NIMTE were invited to participate at the congress and give an oral presentation.
On May 17, with his group, Dr. Thomas Krug, President of Hauzer Techno Coating Company, Netherlands, paid a short visit to NIMTE.
“Workshop on electrolysis and recycling of CO2” was held on April 9th~11th in Riso, Denmark. This is the 3rd in a series of international workshop co-organized by Lenfest Centre, Columbia University, and Department of Energy Conversion and Storage, Denmark Technology University (previously part of Riso National Laboratory). Dr. Cheng Xu and her PhD student, Qingshan Li, fr...
Prof. Michael von Ortenberg from Institute of Physics, Humboldt University at Berlin, Germany, visited NIMTE on March 20, 2013,invited by Ning Dai, director of the Division of New Energy Technology.
Professor Andy Chan, Director of Research, Department of Civil Engineering, the University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus, accompanied by the faculty from the Department of Research, University of Nottingham, Ningbo Campus visited NIMTE on November 30, 2012. Professor Liang Chen, deputy head of NIMTE Research Development hosted their visit.