2014 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2014 Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC 2014) was held from 9-13, 2014, in Detroit, Michigan. This is the international top-level conference in manufacturing industry with more than 550 participants.
Prof. Jian Zhang having developed in synthesis and catalytic reaction of new carbon nanomaterials (CNTs), was invited to give an presentation entitled “Surface Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes: Concepts and Applications”. His lecture reviewed the surface functionalization methods in the literature, and showed their investigation on the interaction mechanism of the fun...
Professor Jian Zhang from NIMTE was invited to give a scientific visit to Fritz-Haber Institute of International Max Planck Research School in Berlin, Germany from September 15th to 19th.
Chinese and German scientists play a worldwide pioneering role in this field of molecular sieve membranes, especially Prof. Aisheng Huang at NIME and Prof. Juergen Caro at Leibniz University Hannover. The two chemists Huang and Caro are also linked by a personal friendship dating back 6 years ago when A.S. Huang stayed together with J. Caro at Hannover University.
On Nov 18, Dr. Aziz Ikhlef, Chief Technology Officer of FMI Medical Systems Company, visited NIMTE and gave a presentation.