Recently, the research team led by Dr. Hongtao Cao, has developed Chromic-based absorber coatings. Then the related thermal aging mechanisms have been proposed.
Recently, Prof. Wu’s Group at NIMTE prepared patterned tailored hydrophobic films designed by synergy effect of electrochemical deposition and chemical deposition. The films morphology changes and the roughness of film surfaces gradually become bigger with the increased solution temperature. The gradually increased film roughness leads to the film’s hydrophobicity changin...
The Professor Jin Zhu's group and their partner are seeking worldwide cooperation with plastic processing companies to manufacture various products of heat resistant PLA foam sheet.
Recently, Prof. Jin Zhu 's group has made attractive progress by using the modified starch and plant oil together. The experimental result shows that the toughness and the impact strength of PLA/starch composite have been effectively improved.
A new synthesis method of nitrogen-doped HCS has been explored by Professor Jian Zhang’s group of NIMTE and HUST, which is to use nitric ionic liquids as the carbon and nitrogen sources, assemble them into thin layers on the monodispersed silica as the template, and then remove silica template after high temperature graphitization treatment.