Library - Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering, Chiense Academy of Sciences
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The library was founded in May, 2007. It is a public resource for the students, staffs and faculties on the campus. The library accumulates a wide range of books, magazines, journals and dissertations in Materials Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics. Currently it collects more than 1500 volumes, subscribes over 60 journals and registers a few major Databases, E-books and E-journals such as Elsevier-SD, Springer, Pro-Quest, CNKI, etc.

Opening Hour                          
 Monday to  Friday  Saturday & Sunday
 8:30 am - 11:30 am  8:30 am - 11:30 am 
13:30 pm - 17:30 pm 13:30 pm - 17:30 pm 
19:00 pm - 22:00 pm  
  Librarian:  Yutong Li
  Phone:    86-574-86682884               
  Location:   First floor, Building B