Ulf Bossel visited the Ningbo Institute of Material Technology and Engineering(NIMTE),the Chinese Academy of Sciences,on January 10,2010 Dr.
The mission of Dr.
Bossel’s visit was to listen to the evaluation of the FCET on his self-developed stack module as well as to exchange recent progress in SOFC stack technologies.
Ulf Bossel received his PhD in aeronautical science fro...
Dave Ghosh gave a general overview of“Fuel Cell R&D&D at NRC Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation in Canada”.From the introduction,NRC Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation(NRC-IFIC)was established in 2002.Now it has 160 scientist and researchers.
NRC as a customer of Division of Fuel Cell&Energy Technology of NIMTE has purchased single cells from NIMTE for several times.
This ...
The 2010 Sino-Swedish workshop on fuel cell and application is inspired by the increasing the international interest in solid oxide fuel cells and their applications in distributed power systems.
This workshop provided a forum for an intensive discussion and exchange of ideas for both Chinese and Swedish scientists and researchers interested in basic aspects and applications...
Thin-film transistor(TFT)is a kind of semiconductor device which has widespread application value and prospect in fields of information display and transducer.
The wide-band oxide semiconductor gained much attention recently with many advantages such as low temperature filming,high electron mobility and high optical transparency in the visible range.
Part results of the stud...
This technique can not only avoid inherent risks during dry powder handling but also limit agglomeration and aggregation problems occurred during nanocrystallization,and thus realize green processing of nanomaterials Prof.
This advanced method has been developed to produce a wide range of nanostructured thin films.
AAID has been used to develope various nanostructured cerami...